Examples from the top 20 Google listings:
- The 2000 election was unprecedented in the Gore/Bush battle for the presidency ...
- Treasury Secretary Geithner will push for unprecedented new regulatory powers ...
- Microsoft's Ultimate Office Deal offers unprecedented savings for ...
- World Bank under Cyber Siege in 'Unprecedented Crisis' ...
- Leading through unprecedented times ...
- Unprecedented size, scope in president's proposal ...
- An unprecedented investment opportunity ...
- Study finds unprecedented growth in climate change lobbying ...
Enough already! I don't know about you but I'm quite tired of that word in connection with anything. It has become a one word cliche unto itself since the (dare I say it) unprecedented 2000 election.
As a refresher*:
un⋅prec⋅e⋅dent⋅ed – adjective without previous instance; never before known or experienced; unexampled or unparalleled: an unprecedented event.
Synonyms include:Please join me in my extraordinary, freakish, idiosyncratic, unparalleled protest against the use of unprecedented.
Thank you.
*definition and synonyms courtesy of dictionary.com.
So many words get overused, it seems. Do you suppose it's because we don't have enough? Perhaps we need to start making stuff up. New words for old situations. Instead of 'unprecedented', we could say .. nopredoit or naydobefore. One could have fun with this ....
Perfect! I hated hearing that word spoken over and over and over again.
Same with "the first African-American to do (fill in the blank)".
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